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In 2007 hajo Polo &Sportswear launched a new brand logo. It shows a stylized flying horse, the ancient Greeks’ Pegasus with the hajo-“h” in a circle. All hajo items ever since display as an embroidery or as a badge this new symbol of the brand’s typical creativity and dynamism.

Pegasus (Ancient Greek: Πήγασος, PēgasosLatinPegasus) – The ancient Greek legend horse is considered as immortal and the personification of thunder.

The ancient Greek link the name with the word “pege” which means “source”. Zeus transformed it into a constellation of stars and put it on the firmament. The mythical creature symbolizes creativity and beauty and stands for the spring, as well as intuition in art and poetry.

Because of those features this new logo both combines and typifies the quality and the new brand image of the collection.